جنایت در شب آتشبازی

How did a woman holding a pistol in her right hand manage to shoot herself in the left temple? What was the link between a ghost sighting and the disappearance of top secert military plans? How did the bullet that killed Sir Gervase shatter a mirror in another part of the room? And who destroyed the `eternal triangle' of love involving renowned beauty, Valentine Chantry? Hercule Poirot is faced with four mystifying cases - Murder in the Mews, The Incredible Theft, Dead Man's Mirror and Triangle at Rhodes - each a miniature classic of characterisation, incident and suspense.
7.5 /10

جنایت در شب آتشبازی

How did a woman holding a pistol in her right hand manage to shoot herself in the left temple? What was the link between a ghost sighting and the disappearance of top secert military plans? How did the bullet that killed Sir Gervase shatter a mirror in another part of the room? And who destroyed the `eternal triangle' of love involving renowned beauty, Valentine Chantry? Hercule Poirot is faced with four mystifying cases - Murder in the Mews, The Incredible Theft, Dead Man's Mirror and Triangle at Rhodes - each a miniature classic of characterisation, incident and suspense.

آگاتا کریستی

آگاتا کریستی، DBE (به انگلیسی: Dame Agatha Christie, DBE) (زاده ۱۵ سپتامبر ۱۸۹۰ - درگذشته ۱۲ ژانویه ۱۹۷۶) نویسنده انگلیسی داستان‌های جنایی و ادبیات کارآگاهی بود. کریستی، اولین نویسنده‌ای است که کتاب‌هایش بیشترین ترجمه را به زبان‌های مختلف دنیا داشته‌است. پس از وی ژول ورن و سپس شکسپیر قرار دارند آگاتا کریستی در ۱۲ ژانویه ۱۹۷۶ در ۸۵ سالگی به مرگ طبیعی درگذشت.


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