باریس گادونوف

Alexander Pushkin's masterful tragedy, intrinsic to Russian culture and major inspiration for theater, art, and opera. Nicholas Rzhevsky, the editor and translator, provides a vibrant new translation, faithful to the original, yet suitable for modern readers and contemporary performance on the stage. Pushkin's themes of moral compromise and political expediency reach out to the new millennium with the force of Shakespeare's great texts.
8 /10

باریس گادونوف

Alexander Pushkin's masterful tragedy, intrinsic to Russian culture and major inspiration for theater, art, and opera. Nicholas Rzhevsky, the editor and translator, provides a vibrant new translation, faithful to the original, yet suitable for modern readers and contemporary performance on the stage. Pushkin's themes of moral compromise and political expediency reach out to the new millennium with the force of Shakespeare's great texts.

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