"ترس و لرز،تحت تعقیب 1 (سیاره ی کوتوله های چمنی)"

"Joe's dad loves those tacky lawn ornaments. But then he brings home two ugly lawn gnomes. And that's when the trouble starts. Late at night, when everyone's asleep someone's creeping in the garden. Whispering nasty things. Smashing melons. Squashing tomatoes. No way two dumb old lawn ornaments could be causing all the trouble....is there?"
3.5 /10

"ترس و لرز،تحت تعقیب 1 (سیاره ی کوتوله های چمنی)"

"Joe's dad loves those tacky lawn ornaments. But then he brings home two ugly lawn gnomes. And that's when the trouble starts. Late at night, when everyone's asleep someone's creeping in the garden. Whispering nasty things. Smashing melons. Squashing tomatoes. No way two dumb old lawn ornaments could be causing all the trouble....is there?"

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